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Hello, fine folk.

My name is Kate and I'm an award-winning photographer and filmmaker. My still photography has been widely published in print and online publications and it is known for its graceful blend of clean aesthetics, its mastery of natural light, and a well-rounded yet minimalist approach. I capture elegantly timeless photographs that become priceless pieces.

Vibe-wise, I'm a curious soul with a quick smile and I blend a professional presence with a caring spirit. People have often told me I'm calm under pressure and I can improv like a champ when things flow off course. Ultimately, it's an honor for me to be able to utilize my talent and hard work to change fleeting moments into lasting memories.

I take a select amount of bookings per year and am available worldwide. For bookings, please contact me here.

I also work on fine art commissions for private and corporate art collectors. While open-edition, unsigned prints can be purchased here, many clients opt to inquire for commissions, large format, and editioned art prints.

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